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Every year our sorority sells hairbows, puts out collection jars, holds dinners, and sells baked goods for the crusade against breast cancer.  We donate $1000.00 towards breast cancer awareness each semester.  This includes the The Breast Cancer Research Foundation and our local health department.


Breast Cancer is cancer of breast tissue. Worldwide it is the most common form of cancer in females, affecting approximately 1 of 11-12 women at some stage of their life in the Western world. Although significant efforts are made to acheive early detection and effective treatment, about 20% of all women  with breast cancer will die from the disease.  It is the second most common cause of cancer deaths in women. Many people believe  there are many people that give to this philantrophy; however the fight  against breast cancer has just begun. Together our  sorority and you can help win this battle.

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